Nice Rack Canada has been working with Eventide effects processors since before there was a Nice Rack Canada. We sell, install & program H9's for our customers. We proudly represent Eventide products at regional guitar & pedal shows.

H9 users will be happy to know that the value of their purchase is being furthered again with the release of the new "TriceraChorus" algorithm.

TriceraChorus is inspired by the classic tri-choruses and stompbox choruses of the 1970s and early 1980s. These units used bucket brigade delay (BBD) chips to create chorusing. TriceraChorus pairs rich BBD-style trichorusing with another classic effect of the 1980s: Eventide MicroPitch detuning. This effect can be used to thicken the sound, to add static chorusing, and to spread the stereo field by detuning the left and right signals in opposite directions.

TriceraChorus has three chorus voices: Left (L), Center (C), and Right (R). Each voice uses a dedicated LFO to modulate a delay at the frequency set by the RATE knob. The modulated signals for the Left and Right voices are -120 and 120 degrees out of phase relative to the Center modulation signal. The combination of the three modulated delays creates lush chorus sounds.

The DEPTH L / DEPTH C / DEPTH R knobs control the depth of the respective voices. Larger depth values increase the amount of delay modulation, creating greater changes in pitch. When a depth control is set to OFF, that voice is removed from the output, and the volume levels of the other voices will be automatically adjusted to maintain a constant level.

The photo gallery below contains photos of rig builds with H9's we've done over the years.

When you're ready to take your pedalboard or rack system to a new level with an H9, we're here to help.
