
We recently built this system for Guitarist Jimmy Shaw of Metric.

The controller board is at Jimmy's home position onstage and the effects offstage. Due to the size of aircraft often involved in the bands logistics, a pedalboard format was preferred over a rack system.

The signal flow is 2x Parallel Series Wired MIDI Controlled True Bypass.

Jimmy's taste in pedals is wide ranging as you can see by the variety of boutique and consumer branded items. 2x Boss OD3, 1x Boss PN2, DOD FX55, Throne Room Revelator, Red Witch Titan Delay, Electro Harmonix Big Muff Tone Wicker & POG2, Eventide Space, Dr. Scientist Red Reverberator, Strymon TimeLine, & FullTone FullDrive 2.

Pedal Power 2+ & Pedal Power Digital System Power Supplies by Voodoo Lab.

RJM Music Y Not & 4x Mini Effects Gizmo.

Fractal Audio MFC101 MIDI Controller.

MFC101 Labels by

MIDI Solutions Quadra Thru & Thru.

System Design, Custom Interface Boxes, Wiring & Clean Boost Pedal by Nice Rack Canada.